Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Masks are available at the door for those who would like one.
We ask that if you are not feeling well to stay home until you are better.
Communion will be provided at the in-person Sunday Service
by Sharing of the Cup or Priestly Intinction.
Contact us for the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Zoom Link to join live worship.
For the Weekly Recorded Sermon go HERE
For the Sunday Readings go HERE
Please let the Office know if you would like Offering Envelopes.
The Mustard Seed
We support The Mustard Seed in Red Deer, AB by volunteering our time for various functions that need our physical support, such as cleaning, meal preparation, serving meals and so on.
Throughout the year we help provide donations of items needed.
We are always looking for more volunteers,
please contact the Office for the Rep info.
Parts of the following video were taken in Red Deer. The sandwich making for the School Lunch Program and saying "thank you" in different languages. One of volunteers said the Dutch one!
School Lunch Program
School Lunch Program August 2022 - June 2023
From Barbara Bosch, SLP Coordintor
We have prepared and delivered 94,744 lunches the past school year!! (from Aug 10– June 29) . This is huge! So many full tummies at school because of you, your hard work and dedication! Our biggest day was an incredible 621 lunches. Wow!!
I would like to share some interesting stats with you.
In the 2022 – 2023 school year, we used the following:
307 cases of cheese slices - $ 14,235.59 worth
613 cases of apples - $34,548.25
90 Pails of jam - $ 6,162.74
78,729 dozen buns $187,365.02
58 X 15 kg Pails of margarine = $ 3,677.20 (almost 2000 lbs!)
132 Cases of ham = $ 13,069.47 (purchased ham only - does not include donated ham)
171 Cases of turkey = $ 19,196.21 (purchased turkey only - does not include donated turkey)
An average of 250 lbs of carrots each week – totalling a huge 9250 lbs in a year!! That’s a lot of carrot sticks!!!
Meal Service
Items Needed
Coldest Night of the Year 2024
Thank you to our team and supporters
For the last couple of months our 2024 Coldest Night of the Year walking team has been getting donations to help out The Mustard Seed and The Red Deer Food Bank.
We gathered at The Mustard Seed on Saturday, February 24th to check in and enjoy warm beverages and cookies. There were outside fire pits going to help us stay warm. We did the 2 km walk which lead us on both sides of the river. We had to be careful as there were icy surfaces to cross. When we returned to the building, there was a warm meal of veggie or beef chili (donated by The Soup Sisters, veggies and jello dessert.
Because of how much we raised (so far $3280!) we placed fourth and won a prize of eight passes for Woodshed Ax Throwing in Sylvan Lake! Our team of eight will give it a whirl and we will let you know how it went. Thank you for all the support and prayers. The current total raised for the two providers is $41,002! The Mustard Seed and The Red Deer Food Bank will continue to provide the much needed supports to our ever increasing vulnerable population.